Tuesday, September 1, 2009

10th Annual March to Abolish the Death Penalty

We had a commenter to our post about the execution of Cameron Todd Willingham inform us that October 24th, 2009 will be the 10th Annual March to Abolish the Death Penalty in Austin, Texas at the State Capitol building.
The commenter (Texas Moratorium Network) relayed the following:
At the 7th Annual March in 2006, the family of Todd Willingham attended and delivered a letter to Governor Perry that said in part:

“We are the family of Cameron Todd Willingham. Our names are Eugenia
Willingham, Trina Willingham Quinton and Joshua Easley. Todd was an innocent
person executed by Texas on February 17, 2004. We have come to Austin today from Ardmore, Oklahoma to stand outside the Texas Governor’s Mansion and attempt to deliver this letter to you in person, because we want to make sure that you know about Todd’s innocence and to urge you to stop executions in Texas and determine why innocent people are being executed in Texas.”

“Please ensure that no other family suffers the tragedy of seeing one of
their loved ones wrongfully executed. Please enact a moratorium on executions
and create a special blue ribbon commission to study the administration of the
death penalty in Texas. A moratorium will ensure that no other innocent people
are executed while the system is being studied and reforms implemented.”
While I am flattered anyone thinks the BTPC's reach extends past our living room, I would certainly urge any Texan that mistakenly stumbles across this site thinking there may be boobs behind the pine, to turn out and be heard. Your state executes people like no other. Texas should be known for two things: the Alamo and that huge toast. Not for putting to death people, especially innocent ones.

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