Monday, September 20, 2010

WOOOOOOO!!!!! The SC Court of Appeals tells appellate to be the man, you got to beat the man...

Guess who popped up in a South Carolina Court of Appeals decision recently? 16 time World Heavyweight Champion Ric "Nature Boy" Flair, that's who.

In McNair v. United Energy Distributors, Court of Appeals Judge Daniel F. Pieper cited compelling authority in his concurring opinion:

As the sixteen-time world heavyweight wrestling champion Ric Flair once said, "Space Mountain may be the oldest ride in the park, but it has the longest line." The same holds true for equity. For justice to be rendered in cases properly before a magistrate, equitable and legal principles must "ride together" and be applied according to applicable established principles.

Obviously, Judge Pieper is custom-made, from head to toe. Wooooo!!!!

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