Sunday, May 15, 2011

FIghting for the terrorists rights...

Thanks to the stalwart work of Republicans on the House Judiciary committee this past week, suspected terrorists can still enjoy their Second Amendment right to bear arms here in the good ole U. S. of A. Republican Congressmen like Rep. Louie "Terror Baby" Ghomert killed an amendment that would have restricted firearm sales to people on the FBI's terrorist watch list.

The House Judiciary Committee was marking up legislation to renew certain provisions of the Patriot Act when Rep. Mike Quigley (D-Ill.) proposed the amendment to limit the sale of guns to those on the watchlist. Quigley's point was that Republicans have absolutely no problem denying people on that list civil liberties, but god forbid they should infringe one iota on the NRA. And the Republicans proved him right.

So just in case you're scoring at home...Miranda? Not a chance. Due Process? What are you, some America-hating commie?! Let 'em stockpile AR-15s? Sheeeet...this is America man, everyone's got the right to get strapped...

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