Monday, April 13, 2009

Check out Kanye's latest hit

Matt and Trey do it again. It ain't just that its funny, because it most assuredly is that. But its also good. I now can't get the song out of my head.


Cheesefrog said...

Oh yeah, I saw this. I don't know how these guys can keep coming up with such amazing satire year after year. Every time I start to think they've lost it, they come back with brilliant stuff like Gayfish.

Did you see that Kanye actually commented on it afterwards, giving props and saying he's been trying to notch his ego down?

That's the beauty of South Park- they pretty much always get it right when they bust somebody.

And now it's almost lunch time and I'm craving fishsticks...

pluvlaw said...

Yeah...I saw his response. You ought to check out the podcast Bill Simmons did with Bill Heder. He's buddies with Stone and Parker and sits in on the writing room sometimes. It was a pretty cool podcast. Plus, there are multiple Jame Gumb impersonations...