Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Mayor Bob in for a fight

FITSNews.com has a post reporting that Steve Benjamin is going to run for Mayor of Columbia, meaning he'd lilely be challenging 5 term incumbent Bob Coble in the Democratic Primary. Benjamin raised a ton of cash and gave Henry "Did I mention I'm running for Guv'ner" McMaster all he could handle in the 2002 AG's race.

Benjamin is very sharp. He headed up the Department of Probation, Parole and Pardon services, so he's got some good law enforcement chops. He also happens to be one of the first notable state Democratic party "leaders" who got behind Obama, which is a big deal.

Make no mistake about it, this past election was a big deal as far as the Democratic Party in South Carolina is concerned. For a long time, the same folks have been guiding the party and let's face it, the results speak for themselves. There were a lot of folks in the state party who made some poor decisions and had to scramble to find chairs when the music ended. And I don't think the game is over yet. Benjamin's potential run may very well just be an example of the musical chairs game the Democratic Party is still playing.

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