Sunday, November 23, 2008

Saxby Chambliss is a piece of sh*t

The fact that Saxby Chambliss is a piece of sh*t isn't exactly news. Hell...the world has known that as fact, ever since Chambliss ran an utterly disgraceful ad about his opponent Max Cleland in their Georgia Senate race of 2002.

You remember that ad, the one that linked Cleland to Osama and Saddam and question the "courage" of a man that suffered such grave injuries in Vietnam, he had to have three of his limbs amputated. Injuries Cleland suffered when he threw himself on a grenade upon exiting a helicopter on a mission that was part of a coordinated effort to relieve the Marines under attack at Khe Shan. Injuries the vile Ann Coulter once discounted by saying Cleland "blew himself up," or tried to discount because by all accounts it was a fellow marines grenade--friendly fire if you will. An ad John McCain, who is know strolling through Georgia campaigning for Chambliss, condemned by saying:

"I'd never seen anything like that ad. Putting pictures of Saddam Hussein and
Osama bin Laden next to the picture of a man who left three limbs on the
battlefield -- it's worse than disgraceful. It's reprehensible."

Always one to steer into the skid, Chambliss has now decided to go after his current opponent, Jim Martin in the one way no one with an ounce of decency or class would: attack him as soft on crime. Why is that so incredibly tacky? Because Martin's daughter was abducted when she was eight years old. Luckily she was returned.

Martin's response:

"Jim Martin has never forgotten the horror of coming face-to-face with violent
crime. That's why he spent his career working to protect Georgia's children and
families," Martin spokesperson Kate Hansen said in a press release. "Georgians
will reject Chambliss' false personal attacks because they know that Jim Martin
always stands up to protect Georgia families."

Hopefully, Saxby's latest trip into the gutter leaves Georgians with a bad taste in their mouth and they vote his ass out.

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